Post TEST Rider Training... Hone your Skills. We have a large Range of Individually Structured Single Courses, to train by the hour.

This CBT is designed for those whom would prefer a 1 to 1 Course (book an exclusive CBT with an Instructor for a one to one without the distraction or audience of any additional students, or have no previous road/gears experience.
CBT2 - 2 day CBT

This 2 day CBT is designed for those people whom meet any of the follwing criteria :-
  • no previous or limited road experience
  • no previous bike experience
  • this is your first CBT on a geared bike
  • simply wishing to have a longer more detailed cbt with additional road riding over 2 days

Whether it be; That you have not long Passed your Test, or Wishing to 'Get back into Biking' or even A 'Veteran Biker' who would like to learn the Current skills and Techniques involved in Passing a Modern day Test. This lesson is a Confidence Builder, perhaps you just want someone to go out with on your maiden voyage, or getting reacquainted with your bike after some time out. The day consists of honeing your slow speed maneuvers on our purpose built Off-road Site, then ultimately 'take a Ride together' to place that new found confidence back within yourself on the Road, for a more Relaxed, Safer YOU. (putting the joy back into your biking) (practical onsite and on Road Training)

This lesson is for those people who have either taken their CBT on an automatic and are wishing to learn a Geared Bike, or have simply forgotten as they haven't ridden for a while, or are looking to improve on their Gear Changing Techniques, practicing on our off road site, until you are confident do we then simply 'go for a little ride' on a Manual Bike on the Road, so you can put your new skills to test. It's not just about making the vehicle go faster or slower by successfully going through the gears, but using the correct Gear to optimise handling and putting the control back in your hands to confidently Corner, Brake, and Accelerate more Effectively, Safely and Economically. (practical onsite and on road training).
THE PILLION RIDER (Tourer/Couples )

This lesson explores and trains how the Bike and Rider responds to riding with a Passenger, using the correct safety measures Bike Handling under additional weight, and its responses during different situations and elements of the Road and Weather. (classroom, practical onsite and on road training)
The NIGHT RIDER (Night Owl)

This lesson explores the lack of Visibility and Safety issues which surround riding at night, how you adapt your style of riding to keep yourself more relaxed and most of all safe, during less visibility. (classroom and on road training)

This lesson explores the correct procedures of Duel Lane Riding, to optimise your Conspicuously, amongst Fast Heavy volumes of Traffic, Safe, successful Lane Changes, correct use of Slip Roads etc. (Classroom and practical on Road Training)
THE SOCIAL RIDER (Safety in Groups)

This lesson explores the safety issues which surround 'Group Riding' or better known - 'Rideouts' sometime in your Biking life you will certainly find yourself in a Group whether it be 4 or 54, and although one can hold a false sense of security of riding with 'Fellow Bikers' or 'safety in numbers', it is actually one of the most dangerous riding styles. as avid Group Riders ourselves we know only too well the dangers, and what it takes to Forward plan, to keep yourself Safe during Group Rides, we teach you all the techniques that come therein which will make your 'Rideout' more enjoyable, less risky to you and others, but most of all keeping you Safe. (Classroom and on Road Training)

We address the techniques and safety issues which surround Lane Splitting better known as 'Filtering traffic' We teach you what it takes to adapt yourself to this particular style of stressful and potentially hazardous Riding. The Legalities, (where you can and cannot) Roadcraft, Etiquette, Machine Handling, Hazard Awareness, Anticipate, Judge, Forward-Plan, React. This Program is designed with your Safety in Mind. (This course requires a minimum of 2 hours)
THE ADVANCED RIDER (Roadcraft Safety & Handling)

Optimise your Road Skills, Awareness, Machine Handling, cleaning up any 'Bad Habits', Optimising your Safety Awareness, and giving you the tools to make the appropriate decisions within Advance Riding Techniques. (classroom, onsite and on road) (This Course requires a minimum of 2 hours)

For those whom wish to learn the Basic skills to keeping your machine maintained, road worthy, and safe. what better way to get to know your own Bike. Just some of the things in this course includes; Basic Engine Maintenance, Drives, Wheels, Brakes, Tyres, Fluids etc.
GET ON (FREE Taster Session)

We offer a FREE Taster Session to introduce the complete novice an insight into the world of biking, This is a maximum 1 hour onsite Training Session where you will be made familiar with the basic controls of the Machine, and eventually Riding Circuits, performing Basic Techniques on our Off-Road Training area. This will prove invaluable should you decide to book a CBT course with us by putting you ahead on the day, whilst at the same time enable you to make an informed decision on whether you would like to pursue the idea to become a biker or just give it up as some crazy notion. It also gives you the opportunity have an introduction and sizing up of the bikes and safety gear.
Your Safety always comes First, therefore we are happy to do out-of-hour Courses too.